The Tri-Parish offers parishioners and visitors alike the opportunity to make donations through the secure and convenient links above.
Never forget your weekly offering envelope at home again! Set up an Online Giving account today. But wait - this account allows you to do so much more than that. You can also donate to general funds, or designate your contribution for specific needs and fundraising efforts in the parishes and school such as:
To sign up and start giving online, click on the image labeled with your parish's name above. For questions, please call the Central Office. If you are planning to contribute online exclusively, please contact the Central Office at 715-672-5640 to have your envelope delivery suspended. |
Support Assumption
Catholic School Online! Did you know you can use your Online Giving account to support our Catholic school? Just designate your donation for "School Support"! Have a child attending Assumption or Noah's Ark? You can also pay for tuition and hot lunch through your Online Giving account. Diocesan Campaign
for Our Future To participate in the Inspired by the Spirit Campaign, please click
on the logo below. |