![]() In 1925 at the promulgation of the feast of Christ The King, Pope Pius XI made a a timeless statement. He said in Latin ”Pax Christi in regno Christi”, to wit, ”The Peace of Christ in the reign of Christ.” Unfortunately, in the history of mankind, man has striven to seek peace, but peace seems to be straddling the fence. Peace in and around every person creates a suitable environment for progress and success. But have we ever sincerely reflected on the actual source of peace? Sadly enough, we claim we are searching for peace but we look for it from wrong places instead of going to Jesus Christ. We have been hoodwinked into accepting that we are in charge of everything including our destiny. It is only a cliche! This reminds me of a funny (joke) piece of advice a mother received from her son. The mother was tired of struggling with her strong-willed little son, Thomas. She looked him in the eye and asked him a question she felt should bring him in line: ”Thomas, who is in charge here?” Not missing a beat, he replied, ”Jesus is, and not you mom.” LOL As we close the liturgical year the church reminds us who is in charge of our lives and where we ought to accord our loyalty. Everything begins with him and culminates with him. We celebrate the enthronement of the victorious Christ as King in Heaven in all his glory. Our first reading indicates how and why David was anointed as the king of Israel. As the king, he was the viceroy of God in the midst of the people. He ruled according to the mind and the rule of God. As Christians, we are called to acknowledge authority and leadership in our society and families. Also, as people called to authority and leadership we are to act in accordance with the will of God but not according to our own parochial whims and caprices. That is why Apostle Paul seeks to correct the misconception circulating among the newly converts Christians concerning the authority of Christ. He insisted that, ”...For in him were created all things in heaven and earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things were created through him and for him...” (Col 1:16) Sisters and Brothers in Christ, this encourages us that, like it or not, we must accept Jesus Christ as our God, our Savior and our King and allow him to rule our lives. He is indeed in charge, but not you! Christ must be in full charge of our lives; give him sovereign power over our bodies, our thoughts, our hearts and our will. Without him, you are naught! Finally, the gospel reading showcases how the persecutors of Jesus sneered, jeered and reviled him while he was hanged on the cross. Little did they know that in their mockery they were rather affirming his Kingship and proclaiming his Kingdom in disguise. He is indeed a king with a saving and liberating mission: freeing us from all types of bondage, enabling us to live peacefully and happily on earth, promising us an inheritance in the eternal life of heaven. The cross is his throne. His sermon on the mount his rule of law. So as Christians we can live in peace only when we surrender our lives to him everyday. When we give priority to his teachings in our daily choices and moral decisions. By this, we declare our loyalty to him by the quality of our fidelity and commitment: expressed in service, love and solidarity. This sustains our opportunity to be the children and heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven. What is your priority in life? Let Jesus Christ be your first priority... Let him be your King... Your loyalty and fidelity to him will change your life story... May God increase our faith! Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving week. May your celebration be a fantastic one!! Try to visit (call) your family... Enjoy the chills... Don't forget to bundle up and drive safely! God bless you. Love you. Fr. Emmanuel Comments are closed.
Fr. EmmanuelFr. Emmanuel hails from Ghana and is passionate about the Gospel and bringing the love of Christ to all people. He speaks several languages, enjoys soccer and cooking, and loves St. Francis of Assisi. Archives
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